
Lessons will be held from Tuesday, September 3, 2024 to Friday, June 20, 2025.
No lessons will be held on the following holidays: Thanksgiving (October 14), Family Day (February 17), Easter (April 18-21), Victoria Day (May 19)
Winter Break – 2 weeks (December 23, 2024 – January 3, 2025)
Spring Break – 1 week (March 10 – March 14) **if you wish to arrange a 2 week break due to travel, please contact your teacher directly.
Summer lessons are available during July and August for those that wish to keep progressing over the summer. Please check with your teacher for available dates.
***Makeup policy***
Students are expected to attend their classes weekly. You are reserving your time spot with your teacher for a specific time every week.
Private lessons cancelled by the student will not be made up unless a minimum of 24 hours notice is received by the instructor and the school. Only two (2) lesson cancellations will be accepted for makeup per school year (one per term). The makeups cannot be carried over into the next term.
If a student misses a lesson outside of these terms, they will be given a homework assignment from the teacher, but no refund will be offered. The instructor is under no obligation to swap times unless they wish to do so and it is convenient for them.
Any lesson cancelled by an instructor will be made up at a mutually convenient time before the term ends.
Invoices are sent out via Stripe on the first day of each month. If you wish to pay by credit card, please opt in to our automatic monthly payments.
If you do not wish to sign up for automatic monthly payments, you can pay by e-transfer to our school e-mail (provided upon request).
Please notify us at the beginning of the school year if you wish to set up automatic monthly payments on your credit card.
If you require an alternative form of payment, please contact us directly.
For convenience, we also offer the alternative to pay for the entire term (once in September, once in February).
Coast2Coast Online Music School requires two weeks paid written notice to withdraw from lessons. Tuition is payable for these two lessons whether the lessons are used or not. Informing a teacher of intent to withdraw or not attending classes does not constitute withdrawal from lessons.
Coast2Coast Online Music school reserves the right to suspend lessons for non-payment of tuition or any inappropriate conduct as deemed by the School.
In order to have the best online lesson possible, we ask that the students be ready for their classes 5 minutes before. Please come to your class prepared with your books and materials, a pencil, and a great attitude!
Each student will need an instrument in good working order and a quiet, distraction-free place to take your lesson!
If possible, please ask family members to limit their internet usage during your lesson time.

video and privacy

Students are occasionally invited to participate in video events on our YouTube channel. We take privacy seriously! We will ask for permission and ask you to sign a video waiver before any images or videos are used or displayed. We protect our student’s identity–we do not use names in our videos.
Please do not record any lessons without prior knowledge or consent from your teacher.